Monday, 4 May 2015

Computer virus Attacks (CVA)


A computer virus is a malware program that, when executed, replicates by inserting copies of itself (possibly modified) into other computer programs, data files, or the boot sector of the hard drive; when this replication succeeds, the affected areas are then said to be "infected".

                In a layman’s term, computer virus is a program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas of a computer or network router’s hard drive and then making copies of itself. Some viruses are harmless, others may damage data files and some may destroy files. Some viruses are written to make ones computer vulnerable for another to use or have access to files and data on it without proper authentication by owner. Computer virus may include (Trojan Horse, spyware, worms, time bombs, Browser Hijacker etc.)

The question is how are Computers infected with viruses? All computer viruses are man-made. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Computer viruses can do anything that any other program you run on your computer can do. Some viruses are deliberately designed to damage files, and others may just spread to other computers. Computers are infected with viruses when the file containing the virus is executed or run (opening by double clicking) on the victim computer. Computer viruses can be transferred through email or by inserting copies of itself into other programs, documents or games on the internet. Most computers in work places, schools and research institutes are infected with viruses through removable storage media (flash drive or pen drive, CD, DVD etc.)

Another follow up question arises, how do I prevent or avoid, manage or remove Computer Virus?

·         Install Anti-Virus software from a reputable vendor. Update it and use it regularly.
McAfee is the leader in internet security and virus detection. Others may include AVG Anti-Virus, Bitdefender, NOD32, Windows defender, Avast Internet Security etc. Most reputable Anti-Virus software must be purchase online which seems disturbing or difficult in Africa.

·         In addition to scanning for viruses on a regular basis, install an “on access” scanner (included in most Anti-Virus software packages) and configure it to start each time you start your computer or insert any removable storage media. This will protect your system by checking for viruses each time your run an executable file.

·         Perform a virus scan before opening contain of any inserted removable storage media.(included in most Anti-Virus software package)

·         For online threats:
1.       Do not open an email attachment unless you were expecting it and know whom it’s from.
2.       Do not open any unsolicited executable files, documents, spreadsheets, etc.
3.       Avoid downloading executables or documents from the internet, as these are often used to spread viruses.
4.       Never open files with a double file extension, e.g. filename.txt.vbs. This is a typical sign of  virus program.
5.       Do not send or forward any files that you haven’t virus-checked first.
6.       Do not play Applet games(games that popup in your browser when in use)

Instructions Dwonload

Download reliable and efficient Anti-Virus software package DOWNLOAD

download Winrar

How to gain back access to your Online Portal after forgetting your password (UEW)

Step 1:          Login onto the school’s Online portal webpage Click me

Step 2:         After seeing this message when trying to login “Invalid Password” just click on forgotten Password” just under the login button.

Step 3:          Insert your Username (Index number) and click on the “submit button”

Step 4:          An email will be sent to the email address you used in your online admission form registration. If you cannot recall it will be displayed after clicking on the “submit button”(eg. An email has been sent to

Step 5:          Open your email and locate the sent message. If not seen in “inbox” check your “spam” messages.

Step 6:       Copy the password in the message by highlighting (place the mouse pointer infront of the password to be copied and click on the left button of the mouse without releasing the button when the mouse pointer changes to a vertical line and drag it across the generated password. You will notice a blue colour background behind the generated password) the password then press the “control key (ctrl)” on the keyboard and Add the “C” letter button on the keyboard to copy the generated password.

Step 7:      Go back to the online portal page Click me

Step 8:             Input your index number and paste your copied generated password (placing the cursor(blinking vertical line) in the password field, press the “control key(ctrl)” on the keyboard and Add the “V” letter button on the keyboard to paste the copied password. You will notice that the password field will be filled with copied contain. If not then repeat step 6 again

Step 9:            When pasting is successful click on login and there you are in your portal

ICT Department (level 200)